Hi all,
I am writing to seek your assistance in helping update our assessment and intervention resources within our speech pathology department, which currently seem very outdated/limited. We work with a community health population, that is children aged from 18 months to school entry (5;6 - 6;0 years) who present with a large range of speech and language issues including children with developmental phonological disorders, functional speech disorders and suspected CAS.
At present (and please don't pass judgement!) we utilise the 'Articulation Survey' and Caroline's 'Quick Screener'. Our therapy resources include a plethora of stimulus sheets with target phonemes, BlackSheep press handouts, the Nuffield program, and regularly access Caroline's sheets online (with thanks!).
I am seeking guidance with some key assessment and intervention resources that you would all consider ESSENTIAL in working with the preschool population with speech delays/disorders. I have been considering a more thorough Articulation/Phonology assessment tool like the DEAP, happy to take suggestions on the pros/cons of this.
We are located in Melbourne, Australia if this helps.
Thanking you in advance.
Speech Pathologist
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