105 N. Union Street, Suite 327
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Two Permanent Archaeologist Positions—One Full Time/One Part Time
Open December 29, 2010, Until February 4, 2011
The City of Alexandria is seeking two individuals to fill one full-time Archaeologist and one part-time (30 hours per week) Archaeologist position. The individuals will work in a community archaeology program and are not expected to have skills for all of the duties, but possess complementary skills so that all the duties can be accomplished effectively with a third archaeologist, the City archaeologist, an educator, the Archaeological Commission, and volunteers.
The City archaeologists work to preserve, study, and interpret the past through discovering, protecting, and analyzing the history and archaeology of Alexandria in order to enhance the public's appreciation and understanding of our shared heritage. Archaeologist duties include: implementing all aspects of the Alexandria Archaeology Resource Protection Code, which requires development projects to hire archaeological consultants to ensure preservation of information about the past; coordinating and negotiating with planners, developers, and consulting archaeologists to ensure preservation of resources and promote public interpretation; supervising and conducting the City's historical and archaeological research, excavation, and laboratory work; analyzing archaeological data; writing and editing site reports; helping to staff and maintain the archaeology museum; curating and managing the Alexandria Archaeology collection of over two million artifacts; and promoting an understanding of the city's past for both public and professional audiences at lectures, conferences and workshops, in publications and exhibits, and on the website as well as interpretive markers; teaching college-level classes; and interacting with the public in a variety of ways including recruitment and training of volunteers, community history dialogues, resource and interpretive planning, attending and speaking at community meetings.
To obtain additional information and apply on-line, go to
All applications must be sent through the City's Human Resources Department. Follow on-line instructions. DO NOT SEND APPLICATIONS TO ALEXANDRIA ARCHAEOLOGY.
Contact: Pamela Cressey, City Archaeologist
phone: 703-746-4399
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