Project Manager
Brockington and Associates is seeking Project Managers based in our Elizabethtown, KY, Atlanta, GA, and Charleston, SC offices for archaeological project work throughout the Southeast. Candidates should hold a minimum of MA/MS in archaeology, anthropology or related field and at least 2 years supervisory field and technical writing experience.
Applicants must be able to lead crews in all phases of archaeological investigations, effectively discuss projects with clients, prepare budgets and proposals, and write technical reports and publications. Travel, physical labor, and time spent in outdoor conditions are a requirement of this job.
Starting salary is competitive and is based on education and prior experience with potential for significant advancement. In addition to salary, we offer benefits, including health insurance, 401k, and paid vacation.
We strongly prefer online applications. We must receive your application by April 21, 2011. Please apply online at and select the office you wish to apply to.
Please, NO PHONE CALLS about this job.
Application due date: Applications must be received no later than 5:00 pm on April 21 or they will not be processed or considered.
Brockington and Associates, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability.
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