Field Archaeologists (temporary status) are needed for a significant testing and data recovery project in southern Oregon. Employees will be provided with per diem and single-occupancy rooms (contingent on availability) for the duration of employment. These positions are available immediately and work will extend two to three months and longer (late summer) for some individuals.
Qualifications: Must have shovel excavation experience, a bachelor degree and have successfully completed an archaeological field school. Prior experience within the Great Basin area is helpful, but not required. Must have excellent communication skills and ability to work effectively with others. Candidates must be fit and able to work in physically demanding terrain and in inclement weather. All personnel working on this project must pass a drug test and criminal background check.
Compensation will be commensurate with experience.
To apply: Send resume and cover letter to
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The most important aspect of this list is that it is for one purpose only.: announcing jobs/non paying volunteer postings in the international CRM field at all levels; Field Tech, Professors, SHPO's, etc... Caveat Emptor though my friends. Not all jobs pay the same, nor is their treatment of employees the same - as the companies are checking your references, you should also check them out - make sure they pay fair wages, treat their employees professionally, and do quality work. If you have at least a BA you deserve fair remuneration, so ask for it, and in turn you provide your employer with excellent service. You ARE a trained professional, NOT a "shovelbum" - the name is in jest - act professional, expect to be treated like one.
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