2012 Archeological Technician Job Announcement
Framing Our Community, Inc. is seeking one archeological field technician to conduct archeological site inventory and monitoring for the Bureau of Land Management in Cottonwood, Idaho. Guidance will be provided by BLM archeologists. Archeological inventory areas will focus on proposed projects that involve fuels reduction in timbered and grassland areas. The proposals include timber harvest, thinning, and burning. Parts of the inventory will include recording historic mine sites associated with abandoned mine lands inventory in areas of potential fuels projects. Both prehistoric and historic resources will be examined.
Specific tasks will involve the inventory of identified land parcels for both prehistoric and historic archeological sites. The inventory will require that the archeological sites are accurately located and recorded on Idaho site forms with associated detailed narrative descriptions. Site maps will be prepared indicating site features and measurements. Project inventory reports will be written describing inventory techniques, archeological sites found, and potential impacts to those sites. Photographs will be taken using digital cameras.
The survey team will be required to either camp out or stay in motels/hotels in North and North Central Idaho locations for as many as four to five consecutive days per week. These "away from home" assignments will be required for as many weeks as necessary to complete the project tasks. A travel budget will cover the cost of lodging and food.
Framing Our Community Employees, while performing their fieldwork duties, will be required to wear appropriate clothing (usually at least a T-shirt, long pants, and leather boots or leather hiking shoes). No pets will be allowed to accompany the employee when conducting official duties.
Minimum qualifications: Applicants must have attained a degree majoring in Anthropology. In addition, the applicant should have field inventory experience that may have been gained through archeological field school or preferably other sources of field experience. The archeological technician should have a good working knowledge of field recording techniques. Use of 1:24,000 scale topographic maps, compass, altimeter, GPS, and use of digital camera is highly desirable. Ability to carry 30 lb packs in steep, rugged terrain under highly variable weather and temperature conditions over long distances is required. Ability to drive manual transmission vehicles may be required. Ability to work as part of a team required. Applicant must be a U.S. Citizen and able to pass a Bureau of Land Management background/security screening.
Optimum qualifications: In addition to the minimum qualifications, preference will be given to applicants who have attained a degree in Anthropology with an emphasis in archeology. One or more field seasons on archeological site survey is highly recommended. Experience with both prehistoric and historic sites is desirable as well as experience in preparing site forms, report writing, computer data management, GPS, and GIS.
Housing is limited in Cottonwood. Housing, both apartments and houses, are generally available in Grangeville, which is located 16 miles from Cottonwood along Highway 95.
There is one position. This position is full time for 15 weeks at a wage of $18.00/hour with a start date of June 4, 2012. Deadline to apply is February 27, 2012 by 5:00 PM (PST). The work schedule will normally be four 10-hour days per week.
To apply: Please submit resume, cover letter, and list of contact information for three references. Your cover letter should relate your background to the specific duties and qualifications outlined in the job description. E-mail applications with MS Word attachments are welcome and preferred. Please use a 12 font size. Include the job title in your cover letter. In addition, if sending your resume and cover letter via e-mail, please include the job title in the email's subject line.
Send materials to:
Ellen Bartlett
Office Manager
Framing Our Community, Inc.
P.O. Box 321
Elk City, ID 83525
Office (208) 842-2939
Fax (208) 842-2322 (if faxing, please call 1st as this is also used as a 2nd phone line)
ellen@framingourcommunity.org ellen - at - framingourcommunity.org
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