Yesterday was ShovelBums 13th anniversary. 8018 postings and 15793 members. Not bad for a word of mouth, by the seat of your pants outfit.
Any success ShovelBums has had in helping you to find work or staff is due to you, someone you know, or someone they know, making the time to help spread the word about this service. I genuinely appreciate all of your help through the years, ShovelBums simply would not exist if it were not for your effort. I genuinely appreciate that. And as always many thanks to Jim Colburn who helps to moderate the ShovelBums list and get to messages when I can't. If you know Jim, please buy him a drink next time you see him.
Last week I had the opportunity to catch up with a few of the original Pocket_Gopher members who I found lurking in the corners and crevices at the SAA's in Memphis: Dr. Melissa Zebecki-Harvey, Ryan Peterson, and Dr. H. Kory Cooper (pic @The Flying Saucer bar). Dr. Greg Vogel was still on the road and couldn't join us. The Pocket_Gophers (ask Dr. James Davidson, not me) were the original group I sent out the 1st announcement about ShovelBums to and it propagated from there. It was great see these old friends, doing so well, who were part of how ShovelBums started. I even got a few free drinks from them!
I also had the pleasure of meeting a few people at the conference that ShovelBums has helped find work (I suck at names otherwise I would love to acknowledge them). One young woman (who eventually worked with my dad in Iowa) said her first gig at Itarp for 3 months stretched into 7 years came from ShovelBums. That really made my conference to have these people take a minute to say thanks and shake my hand. I am sure it was just coincidence no-one ever happened to thank me anywhere near a place selling drinks... ;-)
To celebrate the 13th anniversary there is nothing on sale at the ShovelBums gear store (with a max $5 profit, its hard to have sales;-) But if you feel like getting your ShovelBums on and celebrating your part in this effort, there are links to some of the products below.
Thanks again for making ShovelBums work.
R. Joe
Every bumper sticker there is Every bumper sticker available from ShovelBums for archaeologists and CRMer's in one large list! |
Bumper stickers Printed on 4 mil vinyl with UV and water resistant inks - these are meant to last. Submit an idea to for a chance to win gear | |||
Fighting Terrorism Since 1492 Fighting Terrorism Since 1492: Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Numaga and thier Native American peers were the Original Department of Homeland Security |
Real Archaeologists Have Had A Botfly Real archaeologists have had a botfly (bot fly, Dermatobia hominis). They might look nasty, ok, they are nasty, but after you have had one you can call yourself a real archaeologists. |
Help Stop Illegal Immigration - Send The Europeans Help Stop Illegal Immigration - Send The Europeans Home! | |||
Archaeologists Don't Dig Dinosaurs Archaeologists don't dig dinosaurs (or UFO's...usually!). So let the public know that we are not digging up dinosaurs. Design By Michelle @ |
Top 10 Things Archaeologist Do Not-or rarely-Find 10-Dinosaur Bones 9-Mummies 8-Precious Jewelry 7-Alien Artifacts 6-Treasure Chests 5-The Lost Tribes of Israel 4-Whole Pots 3-Secret Tunnels 2-Gold 1-A Steady Job!!! |
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Archaeologist FAQ The answers to 90% of the questions site visitors ask archaeologists; and a hoot for you! Featuring images from Copan, Hondura, Machu Pichu, peru and original graphics by archaeologist R. Joe Brand |
Per Diem - Latin For "Beer Money" Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur. 'Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.' |
Neanderthals For The Reclamation Of Europe Neanderthals are people too! Show your support for the Neanderthals, the undisputed first land holders of Europe, with these great t-shirts. | |||
Intelligent design makes my monkey sad Primates feel very put out by intelligent design being taught as science in public classrooms. Show your favorite monkey that you care. |
Intelligent Design Is A Biohazard There is no controversy. Intelligent design is faith and should not be taught as science in public school biology classrooms. |
No Intelligent Design as science in public schools Intelligent Design should not be taught as science in our public schools. It is an anti-evolution/anti-science movement funded by money lender wealth from Howard Ahmanson, Jr. The movement is orgnai | |||
Archaeologist - No ties needed here! Archaeologist - No ties needed here! The same goes for our peers in Anthropology, Geology, Biology, and more! |
My Life is in Ruins... The story of our lives and all to true. Many thanks to Cathy Pasquale for the idea! | |||
Maya Archaeology Are you into Maya Archaeology? Then you are sure to love this meso-american themed Maya gear. |
Suggestions Your ideas are appreciated and you are entered into a drawing for free gear from Shovel Bums! | |||
Gear designed by your peers! Submit a design, and if used you could earn up to $50 in Shovel Bums gear! |
Family Tree Evolutionary family tree gear with: A. afarensis, A. africanus, A. robustus, H. habilis, A. boisei, H. ergaster, H. sapiens Where do you fit in? |
Archaeologists Don't Dig Dinosaurs Or UFO's Now ain't that the truth... Now go on and share it...this should save you answering about 65% of the questions you get on site. You have to admit the architectural historians are lucky they don't | |||
Archaeology Girls Are Dirty! Archaeology Girls know how to get dirty and still have fun in the field! |
Powered by Marshalltown In cooperartion with Marshalltown trowels presents "Powered by Marshalltown" | |||
Don't shoot... Always be ready for hunting season. While I don't carry blaze orange, this is a start (and they yellow shirts do stick out nicely) |
Will Tell Interesting Stories For Beer. Have lifetimes of adventures but you got broke getting there? Learn from your elders and barter! | |||
De-evolution of man Evolution of man? No it is more like a de-evolution. Other archaeology gear featuring Indiana Jones Lied to you, information on archaeology field schools and archaeology jobs. |
I Am A Science Widower It does not matter if your spouse is an Archaeologist, Biologist, Astronomer, Physicist: You know this gear tell the truth! | |||
Archaeology Logo's and Quotes Great gear featuring classic archaeology and archaeologist theme logos and quote. |
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Illustrator Angela Collins This section brings together Illustrator Angela Collins contributions to Her works are (or will be soon ;-) featured on posters, bumper stickers, t-shirts, etc... |
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Architectural History Gear Don't let those archaeologists have all the fun - sport your own style with these shirts and bumper stickers! |
Per Diem gear Per Diem is the lifeblood of so many archaeologists, now you can help promote getting that compensation all the time! |
Gould Fish! Not Darwin Fish. Copyright ShovelBums This is not your childhood gold fish! Since Evolution Design Inc. Threatened to sue me over my Darwin Fish I dreamed up the Steven J. Gould Fish. | |||
Darwin Fish - Shut Down By Evolution Design, Inc. I don't make enough of off this to fight a lawsuit against Evolution Design, Inc. who claims to have copyrighted an images which the courts determined to be in the public domain click to read more... |
Darwin Fish - evolve from this to the Hey Zeus! Darwin fish and Jesus fish battle in the fish wars, but Hey Zues! has the last laugh. See these great bumper stickers and gear. |
Remote Sensing - GIS themed gear Do you love remote sensing or GIS? Check out the gear selection here! | |||
I Love Archaeology/Past/History/Dead Things Let the world know how much you love preserving the past for the future! | ||||
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