If you know of students who have these interests please pass the note on.
Thank you
David W Kayser
----- Forwarded by David Kayser/CAVE/NPS on 02/14/2011 02:38 PM -----
02/14/2011 10:37 Kent Schwarzkopf/CAVE/NPS, Janice
John Benjamin/CAVE/NPS@NPS, Samuel
Denman/CAVE/NPS@NPS, Margaret
RE: PMIS Project 161911 NEED TO
RE: Carlsbad Caverns National Park PMIS Project 161911 NEEDS TO START
CAVE should start recruiting for the PMIS 161911 Archeology Project.
Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) Internships.
Here's what we will be doing in the project this summer:
This three-year project will select three students (Student Temporary
Employment Program STEP) internships each summer for the ultimate
archeological field experience. The field crew, led by an experienced
archeologist, will relocate and thoroughly document archeological sites in
the park's backcountry, making detailed maps using high-accuracy GPS
equipment. Each summer will provide interns with the experience they would
need to fill permanent NPS positions as the current generation of
archeologists leaves the service. The project will give interns with a
broad overview of cultural resource management in the NPS, mentor their
skills in field archeology, and provide them with the satisfaction and
memories of a summer spent working in a National Park.
FY 2011 This Summer: Review existing literature on archeology in and
around the Guadalupe Mountains region, develop a sampling plan and research
design (including consultation with affiliated Native American groups), add
GPS data to the park's Geographic Information System (GIS), evaluate this
design as early field data is collected and modify as necessary.
Essentially we will be sending the crew out into the backcountry to
locate and record sites. Because our known sites were recorded so long ago
we need to check locations and data records on each of these as well. NPS
Archeologist Sam Denman will be in charge of the three person crew and
work closely with them but will not be a fulltime member.
Here's what we can offer: The PMIS Project budget lists: 3 Student
Temporary Employment Program (STEP) Interns (GS-5) (each at 520 hours at up
to ca. $15.00/hr $7800.00).
David Kayser
David W. Kayser
CRM Lead/Museum Curator
Carlsbad Caverns National Park, 3225 National Park Highway, Carlsbad, NM
PRIMARY PHONE: In Town: Voice 575-234-6717; Fax 575-885-4557.
SECONDARY PHONE: In Park: Voice:575.785.3116; Fax 575.785.2317.
CAVE Mission Statement: We will protect this World Heritage Site by caring
for the park's resources and sharing knowledge to inspire appreciation and
stewardship in present and future generations.
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