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[ShovelBums.Org] WCRM, Inc. Field Supervisor Position (Reno, NV)


Western Cultural Resource Management, Inc. (WCRM) is a cultural resource
management firm with offices in Boulder, CO; Farmington, NM; Scottsdale, AZ; and
Sparks, NV.  We are looking for a FIELD SUPERVISOR for our Sparks office, near
Reno, Nevada.  Field Supervisors are responsible for supervising crews of
2-30 people on Class III cultural resource inventories and data recovery
projects.  A Master's degree in Anthropology, Archaeology, or Cultural Resource
Management is required, along with at least one year of field experience.

Applicants must already be on Nevada BLM permits, or possess enough field
experience in Nevada to be listed on BLM permits within a short time
.  This
position requires excellent writing and organizational skills as well as field
skills, as field supervisors also conduct research, perform analyses, and write
reports.  Candidates must possess the ability to pay exceptional attention to
detail while working under intense time pressure.

The position does not require a particular skill set in prehistoric vs.
historical archaeology, but you must have a strong grasp of all Great Basin site
and artifact types, and be willing and able to deal with sites from any time
period.  Highest preference will be given to applicants with a strong Great Basin background

and current Nevada MSHA certification is also preferred.

Other needs:

• Strong field and writing skills
• Familiarity with, Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access
• Ability to use a GPS unit

• Familiarity with ArcMap/ArcView
• Ability to multitask and work under pressure
• Ability to attend to details, organization, and time management
• Ability to work independently, take direction, and work well with people at
all levels
• Familiarity with federal and state historic preservation laws and guidelines
• Familiarity with archaeological, historical, and architectural terms
• Ability to conduct agency file searches and archival and documentary research

WCRM offers a salary commensurate with experience.  Permanent benefits include paid vacation, health insurance, and a 401k.


WCRM, Inc. does not tolerate drugs, firearms, or pets within company property, project areas, or campsites.

To apply please email (or fax) a vita or resume, cover letter, a completed BLM
Documentation of Experience Form
(see attached), and at least three professional

Email To: (.pdf or .doc files preferred - otherwise paste content into message)

WCRM, Inc.
Attn: Tara Cannon, M.A., RPA with a copy to: and

Fax To:

WCRM, Inc.
Attn: Tara Cannon, M.A., RPA
Fax: 775-358-1387

Mail To:

Attn: Tara Cannon, M.A., RPA
WCRM, Inc.
50 Freeport Blvd. Suite 15
Sparks, NV 89431



BLM Documentation of Experience Form                              Name:


Education, geographic experience and time of involvement in equivalent and relevant duties are key elements of qualification standards. 


·    Education is documented by listing the pertinent degrees, major, institution and year(s) of award:




·    The experience cited must reflect the Nevada Cultural Resources Inventory Guidelines requirement for a minimum of 16 months of experience in similar and related duties to qualify as a Principal Investigator (PI, previously Project Director) or 12 months of experience in similar and related duties to qualify as a Crew Chief (CC, previously Field Supervisor).  Minimum experience with prehistoric resources must be documented separately from that for historic period archaeological resources.  The 16/12 month minimum may be accrued anywhere so long as the experience is similar and related to those of the proposed classification.  However, within these time frames must be at least 4 months of experience in Great Basin geographic or culture areas.


·         In evaluating an applicant's geographic experience qualifications for prehistoric archaeological resources, Nevada BLM utilizes the subareas identified by Jennings (1986:Figure 1; in Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 11, Great Basin, edited by W. L. d'Azevedo, pp. 113-119, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.)  An individual's experience must be documented separately for each subarea in which qualification for work in the capacity of CC or PI is requested.  Experience should be documented using the categories in Table 1.  The duration should be summarized in work months.  List as many projects as necessary to meet the minimum time requirement for each subarea.


Table 1.  Prehistoric Archaeological Resources Geographic Experience

Project Name

Subarea (after Jennings 1986)

Similar/Related Duties

(e.g., field, lab, report)

Employer/ Sponsor


(in work months)











Great Basin Field Technician





Great Basin Crew Chief





Total Great Basin






·         In evaluating qualifications, Nevada BLM considers a person's geographic experience with historic period archaeological resources of the kinds found commonly in the Great Basin, such as western homesteads, industrial mining features and sites, mining habitation areas, irrigation systems, roads and rail systems and their related features, etc.  Experience should be documented using the format in Table 2.  The duration should be summarized in work months.  List as many projects as necessary to meet the minimum time requirement.

Table 2.  Historic Period Archaeological Resources Geographic Experience 

Project Name


Similar/Related Duties

(e.g., field, lab, report)

Employer/ Sponsor


(in work months)











Great Basin Field Technician





Great Basin Crew Chief





Total Great Basin










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The most important aspect of this list is that it is for one purpose only.: announcing jobs/non paying volunteer postings in the international CRM field at all levels; Field Tech, Professors, SHPO�s, etc...  Caveat Emptor though my friends.  Not all jobs pay the same, nor is their treatment of employees the same - as the companies are checking your references, you should also check them out - make sure they pay fair wages, treat their employees professionally, and do quality work.  If you have at least a BA you deserve fair remuneration, so ask for it, and in turn you provide your employer with excellent service.   You ARE a trained professional, NOT a "shovelbum"  - the name is in jest - act professional, expect to be treated like one.

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            ----- Useful CRM employment links ----- Join acra-L  the best mailing list a CRM professional can be on.  SouthWest US work resource links. all things archaeology. Underwater archaeology job updates

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