Volunteers Needed for Norton Point Archaeological Survey
Metcalf Archaeological Consultants is assisting HistoriCorps in recruiting 8-12 archeology enthusiasts for a volunteer project in Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming. Volunteering with HistoriCorps is a great way to gain new skills in the field of archaeology, meet new people, and travel to beautiful places. Additionally, education credits are available for college students.
When: Come for one or both sessions: July 30th-Aug 3rd, and Aug 4th-8th
Volunteers will learn to:
· Conduct in-field analysis of stone tools and lithic debris
· Identify surface archaeological materials
· Measure and document items and map GPS locations
Scope of Work: During the summer of 2011, the Norton Point fire burned 23,592 acres on the Shoshone National Forest in Wyoming. The fire exposed cultural artifacts and features that were once hidden by vegetation. These exposed cultural resources are threatened by natural and human-caused impacts. Archaeological inventories are needed in this area to determine and define cultural resources in the fire area, and assess impacts and threats to the resources exposed by fire.
The project will be managed and supervised by Dr. Larry Todd. Dr. Todd has nearly 40 years professional archaeological field experience and for the last decade has focused on work in northwestern Wyoming’s mountain environments.
Location, Meals, & Transportation: The project will take place in the Double Cabin area, at Wiggins Fork in Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming. Camping will be provided at the Double Cabin Campground. Meals will be provided by HistoriCorps but transportation to and from the project is the responsibility of the participant.
About HistoriCorps: HistoriCorps is a national initiative that began in 2009, providing volunteer workforces to preserve historic and cultural resources on and near public lands. Our mission is to save and sustain historic places for public benefit through partnerships that foster public involvement, engage volunteers and provide training and education. Volunteers have the opportunity to gain many valuable trades skills that can be applied in their personal and professional lives.
For more information, please contact Amy Eller at aeller@historicorps.org or 303-893-4260 ext. 225 or visit the HistoriCorps website at www.historicorps.org. You can register to volunteer for the project here: http://historicorps.org/norton-point-shoeshone-national-forest-wyoming/.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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